Critical Reaction
by Todd M. Johnson
Kieran Mullaney works at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation on
a night when the unthinkable occurs. He
is swept into a web of deceit and cover ups.
While trying to unravel exactly what has happened, he needs legal
representation and calls upon former college friend, Emily Hart, now a
lawyer. Her father Ryan, also a lawyer,
reluctantly agrees to help also. Going
to battle against Hanford will be no easy task, but Kieran has no choice. However, more is at stake than what the three
of them know. The truth will come with a
price and perhaps their lives.
Author Todd Johnson has written a legal thriller laced with
suspense and unexpected turns. What sets
it apart from other legal thrillers is its setting in a nuclear power plant. Although the plot took time to develop, once
the story reached critical mass, it was difficult to put down. I enjoyed the satisfying way that the author
developed his characters and resolved issues between them. However, he did not answer all my questions
and left me wondering what would happen in the future to Emily, Kieran and
Ryan. Readers who enjoy legal thrillers
will enjoy this book if they persevere to where the plot picks up pace.