The Inventions of God (and Eva)
Story by Dave Connis and Art by Amy Domingo
This colorful book was a hit with my second grade
class. The children especially enjoyed Dr.
Katsworth, Eva’s creation.
I enjoyed this book because it illustrates a
difficult concept for children to grasp—how people are created in God’s image.
As a Christian teacher, I found it helpful to present this
book to underscore how we are created in God’s image—a foundational concept we
cover when studying God’s creation of the world. Even though the concept is abstract, Amy’s
colorful drawings and Dave’s childlike prose invite the reader to explore just
how God and Eva are alike. It also
illustrates how God delights in Eva, His creation.
This playful book for children sneaks in some hefty theology
in a very palatable way. I highly
recommend it for parents and Christian teachers alike!