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Thursday, December 28, 2023

Time Slip Mystery Novel


The Wings of Poppy Pendleton by Melanie Dobson

Poppy Pendleton, child of Amelia and Leslie Pendleton, goes missing on the eve of her fifth birthday.   She has disappeared from her parents’ castle on Koster Island.  No one has ever solved the mystery of her disappearance.

Chloe has inherited the castle and island, along with a candy store from her grandparents.  As a child she was never allowed entrance to the castle.  But now the appearance of a little girl, Emma, demands that she find the truth to the secrets the castle holds.

This time slip novel takes the reader between the present day and the past.  Readers learn more of Poppy’s history and family while the author skillfully weaves in the present-day story of Emma, Chloe and Logan.

This book has a complex plot with many surprises but a satisfying conclusion.  Despite dealing with some of the seamier sides of life in the past and present, the author handles it gracefully.  The characters are well drawn and very relatable.  The writing pulls the reader into the story.

I enjoyed this book and am grateful to the publisher for a copy in exchange for this, my honest review.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Heavy Novel on Suicide

 What a Wave Must Be by Angela Hunt

Angela Hunt is one of those “must read” authors for me.  I absolutely love her writing style and the fact that each of her books is so unique.  This book is also unique, but not for the faint of heart.  She delves into the weighty subject of suicide.  Why does a person commit suicide?  Could anyone have stopped them?  What are the ripples that spread outward from the suicide?

I kept hoping for a departure from the topic, but it colored every page of this novel.  No doubt, this is a subject that can be easily passed over due to the difficulty of it, but the author does not shy away from it.  It would be my hope that an adult considering this option would read this book and discover the devastating effects his decision might have.  That being said, I do not think this book would be best for younger readers, those not having enough life experience to be able to think maturely about this subject.

This is a dark book but not without the hope that is found in Jesus.  The characters in it seem to find their way forward and to value their own lives and that of their family.  I am grateful to the publisher and netgalley for this complimentary copy in exchange for this, my honest review.