Guilty Until
Innocent by Robert Whitlow
Joe Moore is serving a prison sentence for killing 2
innocent people while under the influence of meth. He has come to terms with his guilt, accepted
God’s forgiveness and begun to minister to his fellow inmates. God is using him greatly to influence the
other prisoners. When his aunt decides
she wants to re-open his case to see if he can be released early from prison,
he isn’t sure what to think. As the story
proceeds, events begin to accelerate, and forces begin to conspire to keep Joe’s
case closed.
This book held some
unexpected surprises and plot twists, but it ended in a very satisfying manner. The characters were worthy of
admiration: Joe, Ray and Deshaun for their faithful
Christian witness in prison and Paige and Ryan for their spiritual journeys. Even though Robert Whitlow’s writing style (and
legal thrillers in particular) is not my favorite, I found much to like in this
book. Readers who want to read a clean, suspenseful story will enjoy this
book. I am grateful to the publisher for
the complimentary arc in return for this, my honest review.