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Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Reason by William Sirls


This book’s plot revolves around the idea of what might happen if Jesus returned to earth as a carpenter today.  How would He impact the lives of those around him?  Whom might he heal?

The little boy in the story has contracted leukemia.  As his mother pursues treatment for him, she comes in contact with several doctors and a carpenter, Kenneth.  The doctors do their best to treat him and Kenneth tells her that her son will be made well if she will only believe.  Meanwhile, miracles seem to occur in Kenneth’s proximity—things that he will not explain.  Despite their relationship with Kenneth,  the little boy worsens.  Will her faith be rewarded?

The author gives one of his characters an answer as to why the miracles occur—because God loves you.  However, this raises more questions.  Why was the blind minister healed but not his mentally challenged son?  Does God not love him?  The story was interesting, but I found that the theology left me with questions.  However, the author’s personal story at the end of the book was very fascinating and made as good reading as his novel did.  I enjoyed this book but found it wanting for some strong theological underpinnings.

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