Millie Reynolds, a young girl in a small town in Mississippi, dreams of a better life for herself and her mother. Trapped in a difficult situation with an abusive father and a struggling mother, she longs for the strength to change her life. Then, her father is killed and her mother dies and Millie is left alone to pick up the pieces of her life. She hopes to understand her mother’s depression and her father’s abuse. She seeks answers in a long-buried box of her mother’s, but it raises more questions than answers. She is offered a job at the rodeo where her father died and discovers that she has a natural ability with horses. Now she must choose between two men who love her and decide the course of her life. Will she let life shatter her or will she find healing?
Julie Cantrell writes a riveting book which deals with many difficult issues that much of Christian fiction ignores. Abuse, rape, bitterness, and forgiveness are woven together in a redemptive way in this beautifully written novel. She shows religiosity for what it is and true grace-laced faith for what it is. I eagerly anticipate reading the sequel to this novel. I received a free copy of this book from the publisher and this is my honest review.
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