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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Seek and Hide, Haven Seekers Book 1 by Amanda G. Stevens

Marcus Brenner lives in a time when Christianity is outlawed.  The MPC (Michigan Philosophical Constabulary) hunts down Christians to “re-educate” them.  Despite the danger, Marcus feels obligated to warn and protect his fellow Christians.  His unwitting informant is Jason Mayweather, an MPC who drinks too much and mentions that he has a warrant for two of Marcus’ friends.  Although he does his best, Marcus can’t prevent them from being arrested.  His failure to save them makes him more determined to help their friend Aubrey and her infant son.  Will he be able to help Aubrey regain custody of her son Elliott and keep out of the reach of the MPC?  Can Marcus rescue Elliott and still protect those he loves?

These questions are answered in Seek and Hide.  The characters are well-developed and yet have very real flaws, which cause them to depend on their relationship with God.  The plot moves quickly and keeps the reader involved.  Because this is speculative fiction, the reader feels tension between what is and what could happen in the future.  The reader who enjoys suspense with a fast-paced plot and some very human characters will enjoy this book.

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