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Thursday, August 22, 2024

Between the Sound and Sea by Amanda Cox

 Between the Sound and Sea by Amanda Cox

Josephina runs her own event planning business in a small town that has snubbed her because of an issue with her father’s construction company which has sullied her family’s reputation.  She has been dumped by her boyfriend and needs a change, so she takes a job as a project manager for an elderly gentleman who has bought an island to refurbish the lighthouse.

The setting immerses the reader in the outer banks of North Carolina.  Small towns and marshes and the sea provide the backdrop for the mystery that sweeps up Joey, Finn, the grandson, and Walt, the grandfather.

The characters are interesting and revealed slowly by the author.  I especially enjoyed Joey.  Although all of them have their flaws, they grow and learn and give each other second chances. 

There is a bit of romance laced throughout the story, both in the past and the present, but not too much for a reader like me who prefers just a little of it.

This was a captivating story and I am grateful to the publisher for the opportunity to read it in exchange for this, my honest review.

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