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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

New to Me Author


It’s All Relative by Rachel Magee

Helena is a high school teacher who considers it a good day if she arrives at school early enough to review her lesson plans for the day.  Her best friend Landon is a history teacher and soccer coach at the same school.  She wrangles him into tagging along as her plus-one on a wedding week celebration for her mom and her new step father.  The ground work is laid for lots of comedy and some surprises.

The narrator makes this story zing!  I really enjoyed listening to it.  The plot twists, although not unexpected were fun.  I loved how the characters developed over the course of the story.  The epilogue answered many of my questions and gave the story closure.

Even though this was published by Thomas Nelson, the content was not explicitly Christian, but was very clean and enjoyable, even for teen readers.  It was the kind of story that I was comfortable reading without having to filter any content.

I am grateful to Thomas Nelson for this very enjoyable audio book in return for this, my honest review.

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